这是一幅令人着迷的肖像摄影,捕捉了一个未来主义的机器人宇航员女性的形象。她站在黑色墙前,身体通过复杂的电缆和电线连接在一起,身上装饰着明亮的LED灯。她那诱人的透明多彩plexiglass身体展现出一种独特的朋克风格,而她带有plexiglass电机头和激光枪的PLC机器人则增添了一种科幻色彩。80度的视角展现了艺术装饰的特点,受到了Sergio Lopez、Natalie Shau、James Jean和Salvador Dali的影响。这幅画面散发出一种异世探险的感觉,将科技与创造力完美结合,呈现出一件引人入胜的艺术作品。
提示词(prompt)由 可我AI AI 绘画提示词生成器 生成,图片由 AI 图片免费生成工具 生成,该提示词可用于 Midjourney 、Stable Diffusion、DALL-E 中生成图像。

A mesmerizing portrait photography, capturing the striking image of a cybernetic astronaut woman with a sleek, futuristic appearance. She stands tall and confident in front of a black wall, her body connected by intricate cables and wires, adorned with bright LED lights. Her appealing, transparent iridescent plexiglass body showcases a unique punk style, while her PLC robots with plexiglass motor heads and ray guns add a science fiction touch. The 80-degree view captures the essence of art deco, with influences from Sergio Lopez, Natalie Shau, James Jean, and Salvador Dali. The image exudes a sense of otherworldly adventure, blending technology and creativity to create a captivating masterpiece.