AI 绘画人像提示词:充满活力的芭蕾舞演员

AI 绘画人像提示词:充满活力的芭蕾舞演员,主题:半空中充满活力的芭蕾舞演员,她的身体像画布上的颜料一样流动; 风格:色彩与优雅的艺术结合; 背景:生动的色调和阴影挂毯; 焦点:舞者优雅的身姿、色彩缤纷的裙摆; 视角:高角度,捕捉芭蕾舞演员张开的双腿和飘逸裙摆的美感; 景深:浅,吸引舞者周围明亮的色彩; 颜色:芭蕾舞演员的服装是一个万花筒般的颜色,每种色调无缝地融入下一种色调; 镜头:标准镜头; 照明条件:窗户射入的自然光在芭蕾舞演员身上投射出柔和、温暖的光芒,凸显芭蕾舞短裙和头发的丰富质感; 图案/纹理:芭蕾舞裙细腻的层次感在灯光下美丽,营造出空灵的效果; 快门速度:中速。

提示词由 可我AI AI 绘画提示词生成工具 生成,图片由 AI 图片免费生成工具 生成,该提示词可用于 Midjourney 、Stable Diffusion 中生成图像。


Subject: A dynamic ballerina in mid-air, her body flowing like paint on a canvas; Style: An artistic combination of color and elegance; Background: A vivid tapestry of tones and shadows; Focus: The dancer Elegant poses and colorful skirts; Viewing angle: High angle, capturing the beauty of the ballerina’s spread legs and flowing skirt; Depth of field: Shallow, attracting the bright colors surrounding the dancer; Color: The ballerina’s costume is a A kaleidoscope of colors, each hue blending seamlessly into the next; Lens: Standard lens; Lighting conditions: Natural light from the window casts a soft, warm glow on the ballerina, highlighting the rich texture of the tutu and hair; Pattern/Texture : The delicate layers of the tutu are beautiful under the light, creating an ethereal effect; Shutter speed: medium speed.

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